Garden Center

Everything you need to grow better in the Grand Strand region.

True Blue Nurseries features a complete selection of garden plants, landscape trees and shrubs, plus all of the tools, fertilizers and solution products to help you make the most of your home landscape. Our team of garden center professionals are here to help you with any problems you might have. Visit our diagnostic center to get help with pest and disease identification and prevention. Bring in your problems, we’ll help you find the right product.

Garden Center Products

True Blue Nurseries is a full service garden center that features a complete selection of all the products you’ll need for your home garden and landscape.

Check out these sites and find out what will work best at your home.

Garden Center Plants

True Blue Nurseries has a great selection of plant material selected for our unique grand strand growing zone. We have 7.5 acres of plant material.

Check out these sites and find out what will work best at your home.